If you suffer from shortness of breath, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or other lung conditions, you can turn to Maniya Health in Hamilton and Robbinsville, New Jersey. Our expert team can diagnose and treat your condition to help you breathe easier. Call the office or schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.
Lung conditions often result in breathing difficulty and changes in the structure or function of your lungs (or surrounding tissues). Your lungs take in oxygen from the air, delivering it to your bloodstream. Breathing problems can be scary in many cases.
Common lung disorders include:
COVID-19 can also cause breathing difficulty in some instances. See the Maniya Health team at the first sign of a lung disorder.
Genetics, family history of lung disease, allergies, breathing in polluted air or toxic fumes, and smoking are some of the main risk factors for developing lung conditions. Getting COVID-19 or the flu, which can develop into pneumonia, is also a risk factor.
If you have a lung condition, you may experience some of the following signs or symptoms:
In the case of a severe asthma attack, you might struggle to get enough air. This type of situation can be deadly in some cases.
To diagnose a lung condition, your primary care specialist reviews your medical history, asks about your symptoms, and listens to your lungs and breathing. They might recommend you undergo a nasal or throat swab, tissue biopsy, lung function tests, CT scans, or chest X-rays to diagnose your condition and develop a treatment plan.
During lung tests, you often breathe through a special device before and after taking bronchodilator medications that open your airways.
If you have asthma, COPD, pneumonia, or another lung condition requiring treatment, your Maniya Health specialist may suggest one of the following:
Your provider personalizes a treatment that best matches your needs. They can refer you to a specialist in the area as needed.
If you struggle to get a full breath of air because of lung conditions and desire relief, call the Maniya Health office today or book an appointment online.